Titled Effwords, the game brings tile-based word play to the world of badult gaming and is on Kickstarter, now. A word game that champions risqué definitions and is billed as ‘Scrabble meets Cards Against Humanity’ ...
Tags: Cards game, new Effwords
Producers of gaming consoles are clearly looking far beyond providing just games, as they include sport and education-related functions in their offerings. Xbox has started working with New Oriental, a leading privately owned education ...
Tags: xBox, Education Function, gaming consoles
It’s hard to remember an era when words like "sushi" and "burrito" were not a part of the everyday American lexicon. There is a selection of new words, definitions, and senses added to the dictionary. The words originate in a range ...
Tags: new words, dictionary
China’s new buzzword, tuhao, may be in next year’s Oxford English Dictionary. The word caught the attention of the dictionary’s editing team after BBC’s recent program on influential Chinese words. “If its ...
Tags: tuhao, English Glossary
The Swedish Language Council has removed "ogooglebar", or "ungoogleable," from its annual list of new words after pressure from Google to respect its trademarks. The term was included on the council's latest list of new words that have ...
Tags: ogooglebar, ungoogleable, new words
Row Sham Bow announced today that Letter by Letter is now available on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, and Android devices. Letter by Letter is a brand new game from Row Sham Bow with an exciting new twist. Players take over the board by spelling ...
Tags: Row Sham Bow, Letter by Letter, iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Android devices
The Swype keyboard, which lets you compose words on a smart phone or tablet keyboard by swiping your finger from letter to letter instead of typing, is being upgraded to stay up to date with the latest words and phrases. Think of Swype ...
Tags: Swype keyboard, smart phone, tablet keyboard, company news