Posted by Lisa McTigue Pierce, Executive Editor -- Packaging Digest, 4/29/2013 7:59:08 AM Blue Ice Vodka, an American potato vodka produced at Distilled Resources Inc. in Rigby, ID, is the first spirit brand in the country to feature a ...
Tags: Blue Ice Vodka, Packaging, Printing
US-based 21st Century Spirits has launched its potato vodka, Blue Ice Vodka with a ‘Gluten Free’ designation on the package label. The designation appears on the Blue Ice vodka label in the form of a red badge labeled, 'Gluten ...
Tags: Blue Ice Vodka, Free Labels
Green calorie labels increase the perceived healthfulness of foods, and lead to people to see low-nutrition food in a healthier light, according to a new study. The study was conducted by Jonathon Schuldt, the director of Cornell ...
Tags: Green calorie labels, healthfulness of foods, low-nutrition food
Atlas Produce & Distribution in Bakersfield, CA, US, introduced a new package this fall, which is a 12lb clamshell, for all of the company’s products this fall. Atlas Produce sales manger Ben Antongiovanni said the website will have ...
Tags: 12lb clamshell, Packaging, package labeling