In February this year, global pig iron production amounted to 92 million metric tons, decreasing by 5.2 percent compared to the previous month and up 3.4 percent on year-on-year basis, according to the preliminary data covering 38 countries ...
Tags: Pig Iron Output, Pig Iron, Iron Output
According to the preliminary data released by the World Steel Association (worldsteel), global pig iron production in the 38 countries reporting to worldsteel accounting for approximately 99 percent of total world blast furnace pig iron ...
Tags: pig iron output, pig iron, Steel
According to the preliminary data released by the World Steel Association (worldsteel), global pig iron production in 2012 amounted to 1.1 billion metric tons, rising by 1.7 percent year on year. In 2011, a five percent year-on-year ...
Baobab plans to invest a new pig iron mill in Mozambique. It's known that new plant is defined at Tenge/Ruoni in Mozambique, firmly establishing the prospect area as a standalone asset. This project will make the plant to become ...
Tags: Pig Iron, Baobab, pig iron producer, steel makers