Persistent makers in Taiwan’s wooden furniture sector adopt different strategies to survive a severe recession caused by insiders continuously migrating. Taiwan's wooden furniture manufacturers experienced a golden age back in the ...
Tags: wooden furniture
Considered a sunset industry, the Philippine textile sector is getting back on its feet, concluded stakeholders of the Philippine textile industry at a recent seminar. The conference ‘TELA Serye: ... kahapon, ngayon, bukas. ...
Tags: sunset industry, Philippine textile sector, textile industry
The Future Materials (FM) Awards will co-locate with the 8th Aachen-Dresden International Textile Conference in Dresden, Germany, in November 2014. The glittering gala dinner to reward innovation in the technical textiles industry will ...
The first barrel of ethane from the Bakken field will go to Nova Chemicals' Joffre, Alberta facility to be value added and converted into polyethylene next year, which explains why CEO Randy Woelfel described himself at an industry event in ...
Tags: Shale gas, Petchems, petrochemicals