Picolibri Pyra is one of the several French-made devices whose craftsmanship is truly impeccable. Picolibri is French brand that has maintained its reputation for building and creating premium crafted and timelessly stylish pieces of ...
Tags: vaporizers, e cegarette, e-cegarette
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) are collaborating in a worldwide research effort to assess any potential impacts of nanomaterials on people's health and the environment. ...
Tags: nanomaterials, copper nanomaterials, packaging, Nanotechnology
In a recent report on wood preservation, Global Industry Analysts projected that the Global market for wood preservatives is likely to reach US$1.5 billion by 2017. Although major end use applications for wood preservatives are decking and ...
Tags: market view, wood Treatment, technical
As the old saw goes, the proper tools make the job; this applies to painting as well. Purchase quality tools and materials. DIYers save on labor costs and can easily justify paying the price of quality tools. Tool quality and price vary ...
Tags: Industry Knowledge, Learning Center, Paint Tools, m
You might just think a door is just like any other, save for some minor detail differences or material types. But believe it or not, there are some innovations and features offered by various manufacturers that are worth noting. Being aware ...
Tags: door