Trade Resources Industry Views Cornell University Will Sever The University'S Business Relationship with Adidas

Cornell University Will Sever The University'S Business Relationship with Adidas

Cornell University President David J. Skorton sent a letter to adidas Team Inc. Licensing Manager Robert Leuenberger, severing the university’s business relationship with the global sports clothing manufacturer.

Skorton wrote: “Having followed with great concern the severance issues surrounding the closure of the PT Kizone factory in Indonesia in September 2010, and reviewed adidas’s position on its severance responsibilities, as well as reviewed the findings of the Worker Rights Consortium, I am writing to inform you that Cornell University is severing its business relationship with adidas effective immediately. We have notified the Collegiate Licensing Company of our decision.

“We believe that severance is a basic worker’s right, as is a living wage, freedom of association and safe working conditions. We are calling on the collegiate apparel industry to develop mechanisms whereby brands can be assured that the factories with which they do business have on hand sufficient and secured funds to pay workers what they are owed should a factory close. This gap in the apparel industry’s approach to worker rights is a critical issue that demands immediate attention.”

Skorton noted his hope that adidas will take a leadership position in the industry and address these problems. If that takes place, Skorton indicated Cornell will be happy to re-establish its business relationship with the company.

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Cornell University Terminates Business Deal with Adidas