We have introduced ways to find China suppliers effectively. You will never be unfamiliar with how to find Chinese factory. Now let’s talk about how to find the most valuable factory.
Research the China factories list you have got. Through the current reliable suppliers in your hands, make factory lists. You only need to choose five or ten best factories and make comparisons. Now you can choose your favorite factory as the following methods:
- Schedule time for visiting the factories that you have shortlisted. You can easily choose from them by paying a visit to all and select the one that pleases you with their productivity.
- Choose the factory at the best price, and then you can gain the most ROI from the deals. Best price does not mean the most cheapest price, i,e, the most competitive price according to the products. Such as the clothing industry. You need to know the material and craftsmanship of clothing from China factory.
Approach the factory and view the producing line of product:
- Whether the product has CE identification or SGS . Find out whether the product has sold well in the European Market:
CE identification can be found in a variety of products like toys, machinery, electrical equipment, lifts, medical devices, and personal protective equipment. Also, make sure that the products have been checked and tested by a notified body. There are some products for which there are special bodies for assessment in order to verify that the product meets the technical requirements. You can gather information regarding such products from Nando Database. Products with the CE identification marking are eligible to be traded in European states without any kind of restrictions. Look around for the CE marking in the product and that must be visible, indelible and legible as well. Look for the special identification numbers of the products by which you can verify the CE coding. There are several benefits of CE marking. Firstly, businesses can have a clear idea that the products can be traded without any kind of restriction. And, secondly, that the products can meet all the required levels of safety, health, and environmental protection.
SGS is a multinational company headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. It provides service of inspection, verification, testing and certification. You can read SGS S.A. to know more. Products from factory with SGS are assured to purchase. You will never need to worry about quality problem.
- How the factory controls the quality and cleans dirties. How the factory deals with obsolete goods:
Make sure that the factory you choose maintains the product quality. With poor quality of the products, you will lose your customers. Consistent quality is very much necessary for running a business. If the factory that you choose cannot deliver you with a consistent quality of the products, you need to look around for another choice. Some factories have the bad habit of mixing obsolete goods with fresh ones to make them work with the lot. Buying obsolete products might bring huge loss to your business . Make sure that the factory you choose either discards the obsolete goods or repairs them to make them work. Also, the way in which the factory you choose cleans out the dirties is of prime concern. Meeting the safety and health regulations is of great importance. Make sure that the factory maintains a clean and tidy environment and does justice with obsolete goods. It is your duty to gather a detailed analysis of the cleanliness and obsolete goods handling methods of the factory from various sources.
- Product test:
Come to the lab to view the whole product test process. If the test procedures are serious, the product quality is assured. Even if you are buying from a factory that offers 100% compliance with the products, product testing is still very much required. Product testing will make sure that the products that you are going to get from the factory complying with the standards. In case you are unable to test the products on your own, you can hire a third-party company for doing the task for you. Also, make sure that the company you are going to choose for the testing purpose is 100% genuine. Check whether the results provided by the company turned out to be wrong in the past or not. You can carry out the process of product testing in four simple steps. The first step is to test for product standards. The second step involves testing for the sample. The third step involves testing of raw materials and the last step involves batch sample testing.
Before you take a visit to the factory, ask their staff to take a video about the factory producing line and send it to you. Know about the operation of the manufacturing and products processing through video. You can know whether the factory’s producing line is standardization.
China factory wholesale price:
It is known that the products manufactured by the China-based factories are quite cheap in comparison to the other countries’ manufacturers. The market price of Chinese products is also very smaller. This can turn out to be a profitable situation for you. Make sure of your margin in the business. Not only general costing margin but also be sure of the profit margin that you are expecting. In this way, it will be easier for you to find the perfect factory for your business. The price at which the products are being sold by the factories also affects the product craftsmanship as well. So, you also need to look after the quality that you are getting with the price that is paid by you. It is always the best choice to go with the medium price range factories. Make sure that you have your bottom price set before going in for choosing factories for your business.
Delivery time:
A busy season for the products you sell? Can you ascertain whether those goods can arrive to you before the busy season? If this is not a product for the season, can this bulk of products fill your stock promptly? While choosing the factory for your business, try to find out the delivery time of the factory. Try to check out its past records of businesses it has worked with. Getting timely delivery is a very important aspect of making your business soar. It might happen that some of your products are in high demand but the factory that you chose is unable to deliver you with the products on time. That might turn out to be a huge issue for your business. It might also lead to loss of your customer base. So, make sure that the factory you are going to choose will be able to provide you with timely delivery. If you find out that the factory you are presently dealing with is providing delayed deliveries, it is the time to change your factory. Also, make sure that the factory is capable of providing you with bulk supplies when the demand season.
It depends on your cost, market potentials, and your stock. The quantity that you can import from your chosen China-based factory depends totally on you. It is you who can determine what quantity of supply is required for you. However, it is directly proportional to your potential in the market along with your cost capability. Your stock also plays an important role in the quantity of supply. While choosing your factory, make sure that you discuss with them regarding your required quantity of products. It might happen that you need more quantity of products but your funding is not allowing to get them. Choose the factory wisely who can deliver you with products when you don’t have enough funding to provide. You need to be on good terms with the factory for getting such facilities. Let the factory know about your potentials in the market as that can help them in assessing the quantity of product that they need to deliver you.
Innovative ability:
Consider your product life circle. Find out whether the factory has research and innovative ability. China is being known for innovation. The main reason behind this is economic growth and also social development. Make sure that the factory you are going to choose is capable of innovation. Innovating with new products can help in widening up your business with a wider range of products. Also, China has been recognized as an asset for reducing the prices of the products in various countries. That won’t be possible without innovation.
Now do you want your business to expand with a new line of products? Then, the factory that you are going to choose should also have innovative consciousness . Without their help, it won’t be possible for you to expand on your product line. To get such things run according to you, all you need to do is to just send some information for the factories. Consider the life circle of your products and send reports to the factories. Sharing your piece of data can help the factories innovate from their part as well. The success of your business also means the success of the products manufactured by the factory chosen by you.