MetLife has launched Dental HMO/Managed Care plans in New York and New Jersey, US in a bid to increase employer choices with lower cost and higher coverage plan designs.
The Managed Care plans provides cost-effective solution for employees with valued benefit which assists them to achieve loyalty and retention goals with oral health needs of employees and their families.
The managed dental plans comprise comprehensive dental coverage and are for employers with two or more eligible lives as well as provide access to participating dentists and specialty care providers rapidly growing network.
The plans provides employers with more than 400 dental and oral health services coverage which include including implants, veneers, white fillings, and general anesthesia in addition to a range of necessary diagnostic, restorative, surgical and periodontal procedures.
The plans feature no claim forms, no deductibles, no calendar year maximums, and an easy-to-understand schedule of benefits and can be used as a stand-alone product or as a dual-option combination with the MetLife Dental Preferred Provider Organization.
MetLife currently provides Dental HMO/Managed Care plans, which include both co-pay and coinsurance options in California, Florida and Texas, US.