Nestlé USA's Pizza Division factory in Little Chute, Wisconsin has reduced its water usage by 7.4 million gallons per year by increasing the performance and efficiency of its cooling towers using GE's advanced water-treatment chemical technology. GE provided its advanced GenGard water-treatment chemistry with stress tolerant polymer (STP) and state-of-the-art TrueSense controls for the plant's four main ammonia condensers. These products provide precise control of cooling water and enable more cycles where the water-treatment chemicals are in the high concentrations needed for optimum results. As a result, the cooling water at Little Chute is reused to a much greater degree than before, saving 7.4 million gallons of water and reducing sewer discharges by the same amount. This translates into nearly US$50 000 in cost savings from avoided water purchase costs and discharge fees. The Nestlé USA Little Chute facility has recently earned the GE Return on Environment Award, which recognises a company for significantly surpassing and improving environmental and operational goals while balancing industrial demands.