US-based McKinley's Grille has introduced new champagne brunch menu and Table-to-Farm dinner just in timec
The new champagne brunch menu features Belgian waffles, sausage, apple wood smoked bacon, rare seared albacore tuna, made-to-order omelets, pastries and a wide selection of salad and fruit.
McKinley's new first Table-to-Farm dinner includes offerings made with a selection of fruits, vegetables and herbs from the urban farm. In addition, McKinley's has launched Easter brunch that includes a variety of breakfast dishes, salads, meats, pastas, desserts and a special Kids Buffet.
McKinley's Grille's menu is categorized into various categories such as Breakfast, McKinley's Farm Champagne Brunch, Lunch, Dinner, Dessert and Award-Winning Wine List.