Trade Resources Company News Electronics Technology and Science Division Proposed a Novel Triple-Junction Solar Cell

Electronics Technology and Science Division Proposed a Novel Triple-Junction Solar Cell

In collaboration with Imperial College London in the UK and MicroLink Devices Inc of Niles, IL, USA, researchers in the US Naval Research Laboratory’s Electronics Technology and Science  have proposed a novel triple-junction solar cell which they reckon has the potential to exceed 50% energy conversion efficiency (the current goal in multi-junction photovoltaic development).

“This research has produced a novel, realistically achievable, lattice-matched, multi-junction solar cell design with the potential to break the 50% power conversion efficiency mark under concentrated illumination,” says NRL research physicist Robert Walters PhD. “At present, the world-record triple-junction solar cell efficiency is 44% under concentration, and it is generally accepted that a major technology breakthrough will be required for the efficiency of these cells to increase much further,” he adds.

In multi-junction (MJ) solar cells, each junction is tuned to different wavelength bands in the solar spectrum to increase efficiency. High-bandgap semiconductor material is used to absorb the short-wavelength radiation, with longer-wavelength parts transmitted to subsequent semiconductor layers with different energy bandgaps. In theory, an infinite-junction cell could obtain a maximum power conversion percentage of nearly 87%, says NRL. The challenge is to develop a semiconductor material system that can attain a wide range of bandgaps and be grown with high crystalline quality.

Nrl Designs Multi-Junction Solar Cell to Raise Efficiency Record From 44% to Beyond 50%

Picture: Schematic diagram of a multi-junction (MJ) solar cell formed from materials lattice-matched to InP and achieving the bandgaps for maximum efficiency. (Photo: U.S. Naval Research Laboratory)

By exploring novel semiconductor materials and applying band-structure engineering, via strain-balanced quantum wells, the NRL research team has produced a design for a MJ solar cell that can achieve direct band gaps from 0.7eV to 1.8eV with materials that are all lattice-matched to an indium phosphide (InP) substrate.

“Having all lattice-matched materials with this wide range of bandgaps is the key to breaking the current world record,” adds Walters. “It is well known that materials lattice-matched to indium phosphide (InP) can achieve bandgaps of about 1.4eV and below, but no ternary alloy semiconductors exist with a higher direct bandgap.”

NRL says that the primary innovation enabling this new path to high efficiency is the identification of InAlAsSb quaternary alloys as a high-bandgap material layer that can be grown lattice-matched to InP. Drawing from their experience with antimony (Sb)-based compounds for detector and laser applications, NRL researchers have modeled the band-structure of InAlAsSb and showed that this material could potentially achieve a direct bandgap as high as 1.8eV. With this result, and using a model that includes both radiative and non-radiative recombination, the NRL scientists have created a solar cell design that is a potential route to power conversion efficiency of more than 50% under concentrated solar illumination, it is reckoned.

After being awarded funding for a US Department of Energy (DoE) Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) project at the end of November, the NRL scientists - working with MicroLink and Rochester Institute of Technology of Rochester, NY – aim to execute a three-year materials and device development program to realize the new solar cell technology.

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Nrl Designs Multi-Junction Solar Cell to Raise Efficiency Record From 44% to Beyond 50%
Topics: Lighting