Trade Resources Company News MyAppMentor Aims to Get Our Lives Back on Track

MyAppMentor Aims to Get Our Lives Back on Track

A turning point, a crossroads or a complete derailment, we all need a starting point to get our lives back on track now a new app, MyAppMentor aims to do just that.

Combining a suite of self-help elements into one, the mobile app brings together an international team of professional lifestyle coaches, careers experts and fitness instructors to advise and help create the new and improved 'you'.

Conceived by Louis Kingston while recovering from a serious health scare in 2012 it encompasses all the avenues he explored during his personal journey back to wellbeing including how to eat better, improve personal relationships, increase motivation and raise fitness levels.

MyAppMentor starts with the completion of a psychometric test and physical questionnaire to identify which areas of your life you need to focus on. This provides essential planning and direction to the process of changing the course of your life and along the way are plenty of tips and pointers which reduce stress and increase happiness.

Louis says: "I discovered that wanting to be well was really down to me so I went down the self-help route which is extremely powerful - even GPs are prescribing self-help books for their patients.

"I believe I got better through pursuing a healthier lifestyle and my own determination so I hope MyAppMentor will strike a chord with many others struggling with life issues. 

"I managed to discover so much information and learn many invaluable lessons along the way, I thought it would be great to share with others and so I decided to assemble a team of international experts and develop an app that has the potential to completely change your physical, emotional and professional life in a very short period of time."

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