Trade Resources Company News Rexam Creates 16oz Aluminum Cans for New Formula O2 Oxygenated Drinks

Rexam Creates 16oz Aluminum Cans for New Formula O2 Oxygenated Drinks

Beverage can manufacturer Rexam has designed 16oz aluminum cans for new formula O2 oxygenated drinks that available in orange mango and grapefruit ginger flavors.

Rexam Designs Aluminum Cans for New Formula O2 Oxygenated Drinks

Designed to protect the integrity of the oxygen content in the beverage, the new cans are claimed to have better barrier properties, portability as well as sustainability.

Rexam Beverage Can North America president and CEO Rich Grimley said the can features colorful and reflective graphics designed to draw attention on store shelves.

"And additional advantages such as the best in supply chain economics, including superior recycling, filling, distribution and retail display efficiencies will help formula O2 establish its brand and grow its business," Grimley added.

According to the company, aluminum cans are recycled at a rate of 67% in US that is more than double the rate of any other beverage container.

The recovery drink in new can is available at select retailers in Ohio, with plans for continued expansion.

Image: formula O2 oxygenated drinks in 16oz Rexam aluminum cans. Photo: Courtesy of Rexam PLC

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Rexam Designs Aluminum Cans for New Formula O2 Oxygenated Drinks