Trade Resources Company News Innolume Has Launched The Next Generation of Quantum-DOT Diode Lasers

Innolume Has Launched The Next Generation of Quantum-DOT Diode Lasers

Innolume Launches Generation

Innolume GmbH of Dortmund,Germany,which manufactures quantum-dot(QD)diode lasers covering the 1064–1320nm spectrum,has launched the next generation of its LD-12XX-series laser diode.

While keeping output characteristics the same–i.e.350mW of kink-free output power and a fiber Bragg grating(FBG)-stabilized spectrum in the 1180-1270nm wavelength range–the new LD-12XX-series of lasers has substantially improved wall-plug efficiency.

Compared with the previous generation,the main differentiation is a higher operating temperature of the laser chip,which has allowed the maximum wall-plug efficiency to be shifted to higher environmental temperatures.As a result,the wall-plug efficiency of the butterfly-packaged laser,which includes a TEC(thermo-electric cooler),exceeds 16%at a case temperature of 40°C-typical for the environment in PON(passive optical network)equipment racks-hence leading to a significant reduction in power consumption,it is reckoned.

"This optimization supports our customers in further improving their products already introduced to the market,and by that bring even more benefits of Raman-based GPON reach extension to network operators compared to conventional reach extenders based on semiconductor optical amplifiers(SOAs),"says managing director Guido Vogel.

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Innolume Launches Generation