Trade Resources Culture & Life The Atayal Men Are Known for Their Military Prowess and Hunting Skills

The Atayal Men Are Known for Their Military Prowess and Hunting Skills

With a population of about 83,000, the Atayal are distributed over a larger area than any other aboriginal people.

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The Atayal men are known for their military prowess and hunting skills, while the women are famous for weaving. Facial tattooing used to be a feature among both men and women as a token of adulthood or honor, or to differentiate them from other tribes at a time when headhunting remained a popular practice. Due to a ban on this custom during the Japanese colonial day, it is now virtually extinct except in the memory among Atayal octogenarians who live in the mountain areas.

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Originally there was no chieftain in Atayal society. When a unified act was required, tribesmen chose a competent person as their temporary leader. A new leader was elected if a similar occasion arose. During colonial rule, the Japanese appointed a chieftain to better control the tribe. The practice later evolved into a hereditary system.

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Taiwan's Atayal Tribe