Team Reveal, consisting of Allen Aliangan, Chhunpora Rith, Melissa Kelly, and Roger Wang, were challenged with the design problem to explore how color can redefine or revitalize an object or space with a social cause in mind by Pantone and the Academy of Art University. How can color be a social vehicle to create change?
The team raised the question, ''If you lost your eyesight today, how would you experience color?'' and proposed a solution where the visually impaired can enjoy the beauty of color through touch of their hands.
There are 285 million people globally with some form of visual impairment that impedes their ability to see color or see only shades of gray. Through research and interviews with the visually impaired and blind, the team identified a lack of a system for color in a simple, quick and universal way without having to read braille. There is a need for this since only 10% of the legally blind can read braille. They've created a language, Reveal, a system of symbols and color to open up the world to the visually impaired, to ''reveal'' the colors of an object or clothing.
The Reveal system is applied to flashcards, a tactile poster, mobile application, interactive website and apparel. The flashcards are used to teach and help the visually impaired learn the color and symbol system. The embossed poster is used for a quick reference to the system that can be placed in a room, office or home.
The mobile application is used to take a picture of an object or clothing and provide the color and texture of that object. The website is an interactive and educational to learn the symbols and also interact, share and explore colors with an online community. The apparel system is used on clothing and on hang tags. These have a tactile feel so the visually impaired can shop confidently and know what color they purchase or what clothes to pick from the closet.
More here:
Reveal the Power of color