Kangba, a branch of Tibetan Ethnic Minority, is mainly situated in the southeast of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and some areas of Sichuan, Yunnan, and Qinghai Provinces. Many renowned rivers like Jinsha, Lancang, and Dadu over 4,000 meters high are in Kangba areas.

The Kangba costume is distinctive in its exaggerated styles, bright colors, and sorts of primitive, simple and delicate decorations. Every Tibetan can be regarded as an excellent designer and color-matching artist. At festivals, the local herders wear their most beautiful costumes with all their jewelry. Blended with magnificence and refinement, deep and light colors, aggressive and convergent styles, their costumes are extremely attractive.

Color is another factor that makes the Kangba costume more beautiful and attractive. The colors harmonize with the whole dress perfectly. Each of the seven colors has its own meaning: Yellow represents the land; red, the Buddhist Guardian; blue, the sky; white, the cloud; and green, the rushing waters in the river.
Being accustomed to the alpine cold climate and the nomadic lifestyle in Kangba, the Tibetan people use the costume in several ways. Apart from being worn, it can also be used as a quilt at night or when having a rest to keep warm and keep out wind and rain for it has a wide and long front part and sleeves.