Trade Resources Culture & Life The Introduce of Blue Printed Cloth

The Introduce of Blue Printed Cloth

The Blue Printed Calico

Blue printed cloth is a kind of civil society has been widely popular in the ancient southern hand printed fabric. Elegant simplicity of her cultural charm, of folk art in China can be called unique, while you're under the dissemination of the oriental culture's aromatic magic. Blue Calico Blue Grass from Polygonum extract as blue dye, with lime, baking powder blue synthetic mortar, the use of cotton, all handmade textiles, rigid squeegee printing and dyeing processes, such as multi-channel well-made. Blue and white with time, a strong blue, white purity, the outline of the whole pattern uniform smooth lines and simple eye-catching designs auspicious celebration for three hundred years to modern times by popular civilians.

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Blue printed cloth from the Qin and Han, Sheng of Song Dynasty in the commercial development, and broad popularity in the Ming and Qing Dynasties budding capitalist when seen in the blue print of a modern style, the majority of the works of the Ming and Qing Dynasties generation. These nets made of blue calico, the burden of head scarves, curtain and other daily necessities, the simple generosity, crisp clean colors, simple patterns Lai Code has been very popular. Therefore, dye-works industry became a significant local industry. History of Song Dynasty set blue prints of great prosperity Tongxiang formed: loom everywhere, dye-works even Street, river boats, such as woven cloth spectacular scene.

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Today, with the increasing development of textile printing and dyeing technologies, mechanization has gradually replaced the traditional craftsmanship; its practical value has diminished, but its artistic value lingers on, continuing to grow and take on new looks. Its simple but romantic and artistic quality has also aroused people's attention. Many such old practical utensils have now been transformed into works of art, enabling to establish its own position in the history of art and culture.

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Today, although these ancient Chinese dyeing techniques have survived and been inherited only in some remote minority areas, with the development of the Chinese tourist industry coupled with the changes in people's aesthetic values, these ancient local crafts are glowing with a new vitality. The production technique has been improved and the composition has become much richer and more vivid. There is a breakthrough even in terms of the fabric itself as silk material has been introduced.

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 Product categories have expanded to clothing, household items and toys. The former old dye works have attracted many tourists. Now a special blue printed calico museum has been established in Nantong. As the consciousness for the protection of intangible cultural heritage is promoted, people are more aware of its value and are beginning to cherish, study and inherit these ancient crafts as part of traditional Chinese culture, savoring the mystery and charm of the Chinese national art as well as the Chinese history and culture.

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