Dutch company Cargotrax has introduced, claiming to be the first company in Europe,an online auction service for freight (truck loads). The company claims to have 400,000-plus truckers and more than 2.5m freight senders on its network.
This auction is intended exclusively for B2B: carriers, forwarders, wholesalers and manufacturers can place their loads at the auction with the maximum as the starting price.
After this price European transport companies can place a lower bid. Subscribing companies on the Cargotrax website initially receive 20 free credits that they can use to put ten free loads or bids on freights.
Placing a load and, the lowest bid on a load, will cost five credits. The owner of the load can decide from which European countries they want to receive bids.
The advantages of the auction are claimed to be that the owner of the load gets the lowest price, and it also saves them a lot of negotiating time !