The drama series Ban Chao and the Silk Road, co-produced by Dolon TV of the Kyrgyz Republic and Luoyang Zhonglong Culture Communication Co., Ltd, held its opening ceremony on April 18th. It is the first time that Luoyang has co-produced a drama series with foreign media.
The series recounts the stories of Ban Chao, who led 36 warriors into the Gobi, united the 36 countries in the Western Regions, and restored a broken Silk Road. The 42-episode series is set to begin shooting in September and to finish post-production in June of the next year. It will be first shown in the five countries of Central Asia. The cast and staff are being selected.
Zhang Sulan, president of Dolon TV, praised the cooperation between Luoyang and Kyrgyz. Kyrgyz is an important country along the ancient Silk Road and a major setting for the upcoming series. The series and its production are expected to contribute to the development of the Silk Road economic belt.