Trade Resources Culture & Life Long-Life Lock Used to Be a Decoration Worn by Children

Long-Life Lock Used to Be a Decoration Worn by Children

Long-life Lock - Blessings for Kids

Long-life lock used to be a decoration worn by children as a symbol of luck and auspiciousness. It was made of silver and hanged around the neck. In the past, it was a custom that when children were one month old, relatives and family members gave a lock to him or her as a gift and the lock wouldn't be taken off until the children got married.

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In the past, many children died because of poor medical and economic conditions. Parents worshipped the god wishing the children not to die. The long-life lock was used as a symbol to keep off the evils. It usually bore some patterns.

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In the picture, the long-life lock bears the character of being rich. Below the character was a picture of a story in the Three Kingdom period (220-280 A.D.). There are patterns signifying longevity and richness. The patterns are well organized and the figures are taken from stage stories.

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Long-life Lock - Blessings for Kids
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