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RAB Lighting Based on The TM-21 Standard It Now Says Its LEDs Should Last 100,000 Hours

Campaigner Targets Wasteful Street Lighting in Sheffield

A lorry driver in Sheffield has started an online campaign against street lights left burning throughout the day.

Sheffield resident Sylwester Zwierzynski captured photos of street lights left on throughout the town,of which he claims there are hundreds.He explained to the Sheffield Star,"We are always hearing stories about council cuts.But there are hundreds of lights around the city burning night and day."

His website,geared at the polish community in Sheffield,now plays host to a campaign calling on the authorities to resolve the problem.

Councillor Bryan Lodge,Cabinet member for finance,explained to the Star,"When lights are on 24 hours a day,it is often to test the circuit if there is a fault,and the electricity supplier picks up the bill rather than the council."

He admitted,"There is an issue in terms of pollution but street lights are being replaced around the city under the 2 billion pound Streets Ahead project,which will see LED street lights installed using 60 per cent less electricity."

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Campaigner Targets Wasteful Street Lighting in Sheffield
Topics: Lighting