Trade Resources Culture & Life The Air Pollution Is More of an Inconvenience Than an Impediment

The Air Pollution Is More of an Inconvenience Than an Impediment

China's air pollution problems are more severe and widespread and it has caused a jump in chronic lung diseases usually associated with the elderly among people in their 30s, state media said.

However, there are tips for coping with this smog-filled way of living. Just try to keep in mind that the air pollution is more of an inconvenience than an impediment and shouldn't stop you from enjoying life in China.

1. Download the smartphone app with the function showing Air Quality.

These apps can give an analysis of the air quality index. If the index is above 80, you should near a face mask and spend less time outside, if it's below 80, you can enjoy your life outside, open the windows of your house and execrise. Remeber don't execrise outside when the air quality index is high.

2. Use air fliter to make your home air clean.

3. Buy a good quality face mask.

With a a good quality face mask, you can even run marathons in hazy weather

4. Get some plants like spider plant to clean the air.

5. Don't open windows unless it's a nice day.

One last point, go outside after a rain because the pollution is at its lowest. Just enjoy the day after rain.

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Tips for Coping with This Smog-Filled Way of Living
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