Trade Resources Culture & Life A Number of Steps Can Help Prevent Disease of Your Summer in Summer

A Number of Steps Can Help Prevent Disease of Your Summer in Summer

Summer sun increases the risk of age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in adults. A number of steps can help prevent that disease, as well as your risk of developing cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma.

1. Shield your eyes. Wearing sunglasses and a hat with a wide brim to protect you from ultraviolet rays may help delay cataracts and help reduce the risk of AMD.

2. Eat right. A healthful diet high in green leafy vegetables, fish, fruit, and other food high in antioxidants may help protect against age-related eye diseases.

3. Watch your weight. Obesity has been linked to the progression of AMD and an increased risk of cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma. See our Ratings of 13 popular diet plans.

4. Exercise. Regular physical activity may reduce your risk of developing AMD, lower eye pressure linked with glaucoma, and reduce diabetic retinopathy's progression.

5. Control blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels. See our advice on how to prevent and treat heart disease and diabetes.

6. Don't smoke or drink too much. Smoking is associated with all four eye disorders, and too much alcohol is known to increase the risk of cataracts.

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Six Ways to Protect Your Eyes This Summer