Trade Resources Culture & Life "Love Foretell" or "Rimengdao" in The Tibetan Language Is Prevalent Among Tibetan People

"Love Foretell" or "Rimengdao" in The Tibetan Language Is Prevalent Among Tibetan People

The Tibetans: Confess Affection in The GameGame of Guessing love relationship

"Love Foretell" or "Rimengdao" in the Tibetan language is prevalent among Tibetan people living in Yunnan, where it is a unique way of showing love between young men and women. Meanwhile, it is also a game of guessing personal love relationship among young Tibetan people in many Tibetan areas.

The Tibetans: Confess Affection in The Game_1Game participants should each give an article that represents his/her ideals into one person's hand. The person who holds these articles collected from different people will pick up one unintentionally. Other young people need to guess whose article it is and sing some impromptu humorous songs about the owner's love relationship.

If the owner has already had an eye on someone but is embarrassed to identify the feeling, he/she needs to express the feeling by singing. If the owner chooses a person who has already set up a relationship with another person, people could make fun of him/her by singing a song with implicated lyrics. After singing, the person who holds the article will open his palm and see who the owner is. All the songs people have just sung come to be a prediction of the owner's love. Of course, whatever the result is, the participants will remain cheerful and happy during the game.

The Tibetans: Confess Affection in The Game_2Showing Affection by Taking Someone's Hat

When falling in love, young Tibetan people usually adopt the means of singing, giving presents and taking hats to show their affection to the other person.

The Tibetans: Confess Affection in The Game_3If a girl loves a boy, she will give one of her decorations like a necklace or earrings to the boy. If the young man accepts the gift, it means he also loves the girl.

If a boy has affection towards a girl first, he will try to find an opportunity to take her hat away. In a few days, the man will go to return her hat. If the girl accepts it happily, it means she also has an eye on him. Otherwise, it means she doesn't like him at all.


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The Tibetans: Confess Affection in The Game