Mr Jyotiraditya M Scindia minister of Power said that there are no studies or data indicating that providing tax incentives would promote power conservation in the real estate sector. Moreover, the issue of split incentive is an impediment, as most of the buildings are constructed and leased out by the real estate developers and only considers the first cost to be unique.
Energy Conservation Building Code has been developed, which sets minimum energy standards for new commercial buildings having a connected load of 100 KW or above or contract demand of 120 KVA or above.
In addition, building owners are encouraged to carry out audits and retrofits of their existing buildings so as to reduce energy consumption by using energy efficient appliances and technologies on a performance contracting mode through Energy Service Companies.
Further, in order to create a market pull for energy efficiency activities in the commercial buildings, Bureau of Energy Efficiency developed a Star Rating Program for buildings based on actual energy performance of the building, in terms of specific energy usage.