Trade Resources Economy Taiwan Imported Small-Diameter Wire Rods in March,Soaring by 65.5% From a Month Ago

Taiwan Imported Small-Diameter Wire Rods in March,Soaring by 65.5% From a Month Ago

According to statistics, Taiwan imported 15,266 tons of small-diameter wire rods (with diameters less than 14mm) in March, soaring by 65.5% from a month ago.

Meanwhile, the export prices of small-diameter wire rods averaged at NT$21,680/ton, increasing by NT$515/ton from a month earlier.

In the first quarter of this year, Taiwan’s exports of small-diameter wire rods amounted to 41,881 tons, increasing by 15.47% year on year.

In the given period of time, the country’s imports of small-diameter wire rods totaled 67,909 tons, rising by 29% year on year.

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Taiwan's Export Prices of Small-Diameter Wire Rods Jump in March
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