Granite countertops are still very popular, and people love the look of natural stone, but with the state of the economy, some people can not afford granite slab countertops and opt for granite tile countertops as a do-it-yourself project. Granite tile countertops can be beautiful, but granite tile is not easy to install and you will not get the same look as granite countertops made of granite slabs. The actual granite, be it granite tile or granite slabs, are are identical in durability, looks and performance and finish. When you use the granite countertop tiles, you’ll have to deal with grout lines in most instances, so when you are finished, the granite countertop is made of beautiful granite but it does not have the look of a continuous piece of granite. The checkerboard effect of granite tiles can be improved by using colored grout to match the granite tile. It is not easy to match all colors of granite tile, so take this into account when selecting the granite tile. It is easier to color grout to match solid colors of granite. You will also find that the more constant pattern of the granite tile from piece to piece, the better you granite tile countertop will look when you are finished. Professional granite countertop fabricators use colored epoxies to hide the seams of the large slabs used for most granite countertops. They can tint the epoxy different colors along the seam to match the colors of the mineral crystals in the granite matrix. This trick cleverly disguises the seam, but that would be almost impossible for the DIY’er to do on a first time project. When you use granite tiles, you have to construct a base counter to attach the tiles to. You will find if you have Formica countertops, you can not glue the granite tiles to the Formica, you have to remove the Formica and build a sub-countertop of 3/4-inch thick plywood, and cover the plywood will waterproof cement board or gypsum board before you can start your granite tile installation. There is also the process of cutting the tiles and drilling the holes for the faucets, which require diamond saw blades and diamond drill bits. These babies are not cheap, even if you have the power tools for the job. The edges will also have to be polished or covered with special edge pieces, so remember to make sure when you buy your granite tile, that you also get the edge or overhang pieces to match your granite color. An alternative to the tile edge is a nicely routed and finished hardwood edge. But in the end, if you can overcome all those obstacles, you will have a beautiful granite countertop that will you will be proud of. Good luck with your granite tile countertop project. Source: clcweb