Trade Resources Industry Trends Japan's H-Beam Exports Totaled 56,700 Tons in September,Soaring by 67.6% From a Month Ago

Japan's H-Beam Exports Totaled 56,700 Tons in September,Soaring by 67.6% From a Month Ago

According to data released by Japan's Ministry of Finance, the country's H-beam exports totaled 56,700 tons in September, soaring by 67.6% from a month ago and up by 2.1% year on year. The country's export prices of H-beams averaged at ¥67,000/ton FOB, falling by ¥2,000/ton from a month ago. In September, Korea was the largest importer of the Japanese H-beams with 13,000 tons; China was the second largest one with 4,100 tons and Malaysia was the third largest one with 1,100 tons. In the first nine months of this year, Japan's H-beam exports amounted to 366,000 tons, increasing by 27.7% year on year.

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Japan's H-Beam Exports Rise in September
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