(China Glass Network)Exportation of Chinese solar PV products in the first half year of 2012 drooped the first time after six years of continuous rapid growth.Total export is 12.894 billion USD,dropping 31.49%compared with the same time of last year.There is new change for China PV export market.
Exportation of Chinese solar PV products increased 123%and 17.38%in the year 2010 and 2011.73%of the exporting products are solar panels and solar power station equipment account for 23%.In the first half year of 2012,total export volume of solar panel l and components is 9.45 billion USD,decreasing 34.3%.
Main exporting market of China is Europe,Asia and North America.However,export sales for European market of the first half year also dropped 37.09%,export sales for Italy decreased 76.5%and 50.7%for Germany.
At the same time,PV exportation from China to Latin America is 149 million USD,appears year-on-year rise of 9.8%,which is the only market shows growth for PV products exporting in the first half year of 2012.