With 41.5 million page views in January to November 2012, SteelGuru promises to yield best return on your marketing spend during 2013
With the effectiveness of internet based promotion & visibility taking over printed & television options, online advertising has become the central focus for various industries. We would like to present a unique opportunity to improve visibility on the internet – the fastest growing means of communication
Distinct Advantages of Online Advertising
1. Effective Means of Communication - As newspaper cater to people from various segments, not necessarily connected with your industry, part of your reach gets wasted. By choosing right platform you can reach the right people
2. Low Cost Options - Compared to print or TV medium, online advertising costs only a fraction
3. Higher RoI - The money is well spent as not only you reach right people, but also your advert stays live for a longer period as compared to shelf life of just a day in print media
Stay in Tune with Increasing Reach of Internet
1. Improve the visibility of your company on internet
2. Reach Out to new clients and improve your sales
3. Launch new product and services
4. Increase the number of visitors to your web site
5. Find customers from200 countries under one roof
6. Make your company a household name
Achieve All These at Competitive Cost
To reach your target clients in steel sectors across the globe, you can use www.steelguru.com platform - the most popular and visited English based steel portal globally with average daily page hits of 150,000+ per day and above 10,000 unique visitors from about 200 countries.
You can ask for Media Kit for 2013 for various options of advertising and include us in your media plan for 2013.