Liberal Party in Norway has made a suggestion that the country fully adopt electric cars in the next ten years, doing away with vehicles run on gasoline by 2025.
The legislature's Standing Committee on Energy and the Environment chair Ola Elvestuen, who also represents parliament's Liberal Party, said Norway might show potential in reaping the advantage of electric cars, according to a report in UpNorth, which quoted Russian portal Novaya Izvestiya.
Informing that the country already produced 97% of its power from renewable hydroelectric sources, Elvestuen said: "By 2025, it is entirely possible to fully eliminate cars that run on diesel and gas, and completely switch to ecological alternatives."
Elvestuen had recently said electric cars were rising on road in the country steadily, May 2014 witnessed 10.9% of all cars to be electric and it had risen to 15.5% three months ago.
Betting big on Norway's infrastructure, he felt it realistic to project quarter of all cars on road to be electric next year and half by 2020.
"We don't plan to implement any strict compulsory measures... The 'stick-and-carrot' approach in its mildest for will help realize the task at hand," Elvestuen added.
Notably, Bellona, which is credited with introducing electric car to Norway in 1988, has thrown its weight behind the party represented by Elvestuen.
Image: An electric car at a charging station in Stuttgart, Germany. Photo: courtesy of Franky242/