The new joint venture in cotton Development and Delivery (D & D) is well underway with the inaugural meeting of the D & D management committee occurring on September 17 and the development of the cotton Development and Delivery annual operational plan which was presented to the management committee on 25th October 2012.
A major priority for the joint venture partners Cotton Australia, Cotton Seed Distributors and the Cotton Research and Development Corporation is to establish a regional information delivery network to meet the information needs of growers. Positions have been advertised and a number of excellent applications have been received by Cotton Seed Distributors who will be employing the Regional Development Officers as part of their commitment to industry.
It is expected that a number of key positions will be filled by the end of the year with the remaining positions filled early in the New Year. The primary function of the cotton Regional Development Officers will be to ensure that the latest research information is available to growers and includes facilitating the establishment of local trials to ensure that research outcomes are adapted to meet local needs. The local Regional Development Officers will act as a network to facilitate industry R&D communication between researchers, growers, consultants, agribusiness, NRM as well as cotton and other industry organisations. This communication will address both immediate and longer term issues and will provide an important feedback loop on needs, priorities and the usefulness of R&D outputs.
The RDO team will be a key resource for industry's capacity to respond to emerging or emergency issues whether at a regional or national level. The team will assist industry to respond to challenges whether they are agronomic in nature or as a result of a biosecurity or natural disaster event and will provide essential support to the industry's biosecurity preparedness and surveillance effort.