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SmartStuff Introduces The Public and Executives to The IoT

MEDFIELD, MA, June 28, 2012 /24-7PressRelease/ -- SmartStuff, a new e-book, introduces the public and executives to the "The Internet of Things," (IoT) which promises to change every aspect of our lives in this decade, yet is unknown to most people. SmartStuff: an introduction to the Internet of Things, by data strategist and futurist W. David Stephenson, explains the second major phase of the Internet, in which the number of human users will be dwarfed by the number of cell phones, remote sensors and devices connected by the Internet. 

By some estimates, the IoT became a reality in 2008-9, and a projected 50 billion devices will be Internet-enabled by 2020. An economic priority in Europe and China, the term is unknown to most Americans and is not on most businesses' or government agencies' radar.
SmartStuff includes sections on the Internet of Things' history; the underlying technology; examples of current IoT devices from around the world; a scenario for IoT-based daily life as early as 2017; and issues, especially security and personal privacy, that must be addressed before it becomes commonplace. It includes an extensive set of questions for executives to determine if their companies are ready to capitalize on the IoT, and criticizes the Obama Administration for lack of an IoT strategy. SmartStuff is believed to be the first IoT introduction aimed at the public.
According to Cisco Futurist (and Internet of Things leader) David Evans, "David Stephenson's book provides a fascinating view into this evolution of the Internet, the implications of everything being connected, and the new world in which we are about to embark." IoT entrepreneur David Orban said, "We need, as early as possible, to analyze and describe the Internet of Things and its meaning and consequences to the layperson. David Stephenson's book is a laudable effort to make sure it is understood by everybody." 
Among the examples already changing lives cited in the short, easy-to-read book are:
- IBM's "Smarter Planet" program, which is helping cities worldwide cut their operating costs, environmental impacts, and traffic, while improving quality of life.
- FedEx's Senseaware tag, which alerts shippers and recipients to variations in environmental conditions that might harm valuable contents such as organs for transplant.
- Quantified Self, a global movement of people using mobile devices to record and interpret blood pressure, weight and other important health and personal well-being data.
SmartStuff costs only $2.99. It will soon also be available for the iPad and Nook.
Stephenson, a frequent speaker at conferences and corporate meetings on innovation and change, is owner of Stephenson Strategies (Medfield, MA). He also wrote Data Dynamite: how liberating information will change our world (Data4All Press, 2011).
Stephenson Strategies is a Web 2-3.0 consulting firm, specializing in Internet of Things and other data-driven innovations. 
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"SmartStuff" E-book Introduces "Internet of Things" Revolution to Public