Getting past the gatekeeper is not about muscling your way through the gates; it’s about the customer opening the gates for you. The gatekeeper is the first line of defense for the decision maker and the salesperson’s first line of resistance. Salespeople and gatekeepers have grappled for decades.
The relationship between salespeople and gatekeepers has created misperceptions on both sides. Gatekeepers think, “Oh great. Here comes another salesperson.” Salespeople think, “Oh great. Here is another gatekeeper.” This perception leads to a fruitless interaction.
Salespeople try to overpower the gatekeeper, but this rarely works. Salespeople push harder and gatekeepers dig in their heels deeper. The first impression becomes a lasting impression, and neither party benefits.
The title “gatekeeper” can be misleading. Wouldn’t it make more sense to view the gatekeeper as a bridge maker? This individual is the bridge to the decision maker. They can also bridge the information gap, but many salespeople will leave without gathering the necessary information.
Getting to the key decision maker is not about scaling the wall or muscling through the gates; it’s about opening the gates. Here are seven tips to help you open up the gates.