Trade Resources Industry Views The Australian Securities Exchange Have a System Using Barix IP Audio Products

The Australian Securities Exchange Have a System Using Barix IP Audio Products

The Australian Securities Exchange has simplified and enhanced the way it broadcasts stock information to subscribed traders, replacing an aging analog infrastructure with a new digital announcement system using Barix IP audio products. The upgrade allows ASX Group, the overarching brand responsible for a diverse range of Australian business market service activities, to record and deliver stock announcements to more traders with better efficiency.

ASX Group has gradually transitioned its audio delivery infrastructure from expensive leased line and copper circuit connections to an IP streaming solution. The initial phase added centralized streaming servers to deliver stock announcements to customer locations, where Barix Exstreamer 100 IP audio devices received and decoded announcements for traders.

The latest phase focuses on the central announcement system, replacing large, multi-seat analog announcement consoles with modern single-seat consoles to reduce system size and complexity. ADTEC Communications, the console manufacturer and systems integrator, incorporated Barix Annuncicom 1000 IP audio devices for control and streaming functionality.

Supplied by Australian distributor Lan 1, the Barix offering simplifies the entire record and transmission process for stock announcements. Foremost, it reduces the number of distinct audio destination channels from each ADTEC Communications console from twelve to two (one channel for internal and one for external destinations). The Annuncicom 1000 also includes inputs and outputs to integrate with existing analog recorders and digital streaming servers - offering a clear path to a digital recording environment.

Australian Securities Exchange network administrators can control all Annuncicom 1000 record and transmission paths from the new consoles via an integrated, easy-to-use web panel. This simplifies administration of the overall system, reducing labor and operational complexities associated with the previous system.

"Barix helped us develop a unique, custom audio solution that integrates existing technologies with cutting-edge digital solutions that ASX Group can use with efficiency today and expand moving forward," said Jon Bolton, director, ADTEC Communications. Bolton added that he is working with Barix to develop a multicast solution for ASX Group to expand network distribution capabilities moving forward - essentially allowing subscribers to "opt in" for specific announcements.

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Barix IP Solution for Australian Securities Exchange