Trade Resources Industry Views The Changed Price of 100 Spot Commodities in China on 14/12/2012

The Changed Price of 100 Spot Commodities in China on 14/12/2012

It was assessed by SunSirs that in the tracked 100 spot commodities,27 commodities increased in prices, 17 fell and 55 remained unchanged on 14/12/2012.The largest rises were BR (1.32%),SBR (1.13%),Urea (0.87%),while the largest falls were Dysprosium oxide (-12.50%),Ethylene oxide (-1.62%),LPG (-0.93%).
China 100 Spot Commodities Price Chart - 14/12/2012
China 100 Spot Commodities Price Chart - 14/12/2012_1
China 100 Spot Commodities Price Chart - 14/12/2012_2
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China 100 Spot Commodities Price Chart - 14/12/2012
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