Informatica Corporation has unveiled enterprise-class XML mapping (XMap) and HParser Capabilities to assist insurance organizations to represent opportunities and challenges around ACORD insurance standards and manage big data effectively.
Informatica B2B and Messaging senior vice president and general manager Ash Kulkarni: "The XMap and HParser capabilities in Informatica 9.5 are setting the standard in terms of solutions needed for insurance IT organizations - the former for how it enables the most complex ACORD XML schemas to be mapped with ease and the latter for how it efficiently executes XML transformations natively on Hadoop clusters for cost-effective, high-performance processing of big insurance data."
XMap and HParser jointly enable insurance organisations to enhance big data returns by lowering the costs of mapping, transforming and processing big insurance data.
The data value will also be increased by the new capabilities through improved business access to information, more efficient data-driven business processes as well as ability to engage in big data analytics.
The Informatica XMap has been designed to manage ACORD XML schemas complexities while enhancing visual drag-and-drop design environment create XML mappings and uses built-in debugging to map the most intricate LAH, PCS and RLC schemas.
Informatica HParser 9.5 uses Hadoop performance to execute logic natively on Hadoop for a variety of formats, including ACORD XML, DTCC, AL3 and EDI.