UK-based Industry association PAFA backs call for reprocessing investment.
The Packaging & Films Association (PAFA) has welcomed the recent call from Beth Winkley, the head of WRAP Cymru, the Welsh branch of the UK's Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP), for greater investment in the reprocessing infrastructure in Wales, according to
PAFA CEO Barry Turner said they would back any call for greater investment in recycling infrastructure and echo Beth's view to all UK governments, not just Wales.
"By encouraging the technologies and facilities for reprocessing and recycling, we can recover the outstanding resource that is inherent in plastics of all kinds and ensure we give the resource a useful second life," Turner said.
In a current round of bidding, major reprocessing projects in Wales could also benefit from £250,000-500,000 (€307,500-615,000) grants in 'match-funding' up to 40% of the project costs under the ARID (Accelerating Reprocessing Infrastructure Development) scheme funded by the European Regional Development Fund.
PAFA endorses the call for an acceleration of reprocessing to meet environmental challenges, with the plastics industry up against a challenge to meet the UK's 57% recycling target by 2017.