In his acceptance speech Thursday night, President Barack Obama drew upon Minnesota's Marvin Windows and Doors for inspiration.
"The family business in Warroad, Minnesota that didn't lay off a single one of their four thousand employees during this recession, even when their competitors shut down dozens of plants, even when it meant the owners gave up some perks and pay -- because they understood their biggest asset was the community and the workers who helped build that business -- they give me hope," Obama said, ending a litany of real life examples of Americans giving him hope.
The president has called out to Marvin before. Late last year, in an address on the economy, he said, he used the company as an example of, "building a nation where we’re all better off."
He did not mention then or Thursday that the Marvin family gives almost exclusively to Republicans. Over the last several years, Marvin family members have given federal Republican candidates and causes about $50,000 and state candidates at least twice that in the last decade. It does not appear the Marvin principals have donated to Mitt Romney or made many contributions this year