Trade Resources Industry Views Angry Urban Development Minister of an Indian State Demands Removal of Poorly Designed LED Streetlights

Angry Urban Development Minister of an Indian State Demands Removal of Poorly Designed LED Streetlights

As India rolls out its nationwide LED streetlight upgrade programs, some poor quality LED streetlight installations have disappointed the public.

A fuming urban development minister of the Indian state Rajastan has been the latest to join the growing number of Indian citizens that are disappointed by the badly designed LED streetlights being installed in the local state, reported NYOOZ.

Rajpal Singh Shekhawat, the minister of Urban Development Housing in the Indian state that borders Pakistan, disapproved the newly installed LEDs after inspecting its illumination results, according to sources in the department.

The minister discussed the issue of the LED lights lower luminous flux performance than the old sodium lights replaced with Manjit Singh, principal secretary, Local Self Government (LSG) Department. Shekhawat was reported to have been infuriated when Singh told him the LEDs were energy saving.

"The minister said the department should uninstall all the lights and put them in store, if they want to save the energy," according to the source.

Shekhawat was on inspection to take stalk of preparation before Resurgent Rajasthan Summit that was scheduled to be held on Nov. 19-20, 2015. The minister also expressed concerns over the newly installed LED lights. The state government received numerous complaints that they were not illuminating the streets, and might have contributed to growing number of accidents. The minister also directed officials to erect missing poles on the median.

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