The Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC) said that Supermarkets are using 'copycat' packaging of food brands to mislead consumers into buying private-label products.
According to the agency, major supermarket are indulge in copying the packaging design, colors, names and labels of branded products for their private label products to make believe the consumers that they are buying well-known and trusted brands.
The products look similar in design and packaging, while their taste and quality can be different from branded and private label products.
AFGC chief executive Kate Carnell said supermarkets are targeting brands with a strong market share and copying their designs with maximum possible extent without breaching trademark laws.
According to a report released by AFGC, private-label products comprise more than 40% of total supermarket sales in Australia by 2020.
The agency is planning to appoint a Supermarket Ombudsman to regulate such practices with a Fair Trading Code of Conduct.