Trade Resources Industry Views Sheffield Hallam Brings Together Experts in Sustainable Packaging From Across Europe

Sheffield Hallam Brings Together Experts in Sustainable Packaging From Across Europe

Sheffield Hallam University in the UK has secured more than €3m from the European Union to launch NEWGENPAK, a new group which brings together experts in sustainable packaging from across Europe.

The new group will form to create the next generation of environment-friendly paper products and will draw on expertise from Sweden, Poland, Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK to develop new packaging, which is environmentally friendly and economically viable.

The group will train and equip a cohort of new researchers with skills to develop sustainable packaging.

The researchers will conduct top level, individual research projects, which will advance the state of the art in three areas - next generation packaging composites, cellulose fibre based active packaging and the effect of packaging production on the environment, the economy and society as a whole.

The NEWGENPAK group, a Marie Curie Initial Training Network is coordinated by Sheffield Hallam and made up of eight European universities, four research institutes and six enterprises.



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Sheffield Hallam University to Launch Newgenpak Group