Continuous development and innovation over recent years has brought focus to this material and attracting increased producer attention within the beverage industry.
A senior analysts at Canadean told Packaging News: “Continuous growth in innovation, and especially light weighting, have been very important drivers of packaging markets over the last few years.”
The report, titled ‘Innovation in Beverage Packaging’, said lightweighting, and therefore cost reduction, plastic packaging has gained prevalence as global economic deterioration has reduced growth, increased competition, and put downward pressure on prices.
Cost reductions obtained through lightweight can help ensure margins are retained, efficiencies are improved, and the final consumer has the same product and pack functionality at the lowest possible price.
Canadean’s figures show rigid plastics had the strongest global growth between 2007-2012, at 5.79%, and a projected growth of 5.5% between 2012-2017.