The Haryana government has announced plans to build 251 new substations, apart from augmenting capacity of 373 existing ones. The total outlay would be around Rs.4,400 crore. The new substations would include one of 400kV level, 29 of 220kV, 12 of 132kV, 19 of 66kV and 190 substations of 33kV level. Capacity augmentation would also be undertaken over several kV levels including four of 400kV and 200 of 33kV. During FY14, Haryana power utilities—Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam, Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam and Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam—constructed 53 new substations and increased the capacity of 177 existing ones. This apart, 450 km of new transmission lines were erected, with a total investment of Rs.654 crore.