Trade Resources Industry Views The Rate of Cutting Was Largely Back to The Normal Level for The Time of Year

The Rate of Cutting Was Largely Back to The Normal Level for The Time of Year

The rate of cutting at most German sawmilling businesses rate of cutting was largely back to the normal level for the time of year by the end of January. For a certain number of sawmills, especially those oriented towards export, there are also reports of above-average cutting activity at the moment with some businesses having already extended their cutting operations into weekends. On average and depending on the respective supplies of logs, the majority of businesses are running two shifts on a five-day week. The works’ stocks of lumber remain moderate to low, which is mainly attributable to the low level of production activity before and at the turn of the year. The recently somewhat brisker pace of cutting activity again is currently coinciding with only limitedly receptive markets within Germany.


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German Sawmills's Cutting Activity Largely Back to Normal
Topics: Construction