Trade Resources Industry Views China Transportation Industry Export Enterprises Distribution

China Transportation Industry Export Enterprises Distribution

HS Code Corresponding to the Product name Instructions

HS Code Product name Abbreviation
8609 Container (Including container transport liquids), Specially Designed Equip, Used For All Modes Of Transport Container
8701 Tractor (Except The Tractor Of Heading 8702) Tractor
8702 Passenger Motor Vehicles, >=10 Seats (Including Cab) Bus with 10 Seats More
8703 Motor Vehicle Mainly Used For Manned (Except the Vehicle of heading 8702), Including Station Wagons and Racing Cars Manned Vehicles, Including Racing Cars
8704 Freight Motor Vehicles Freight Motor Vehicles
8706 Motor Vehicle Chassis Fitted With Engines, Using By the Vehicle Of Heading 8701-8705  Bus, Trucks and Tractor Chassis Fitted With Engines 
8707 Motor Vehicle Body(Including Cab),Using By the Vehicle Of Heading 8701-8705  Bus, Trucks and Tractor Body
8708 Motor Vehicles Parts and Accessories, Using By The Vehicle Of Heading 8701-8705  Bus, Trucks and Tractor Parts and Accessories
8709 Motor Vehicles Transport Goods In Short Distance, Fitted With Lifting Or Handling Equipment, Used In Factories, Warehouses, Dock Or Airport; Tractor Used In Train Station Platform; Parts Of The Above Vehicles. Motor Vehicles  Transport  Goods in Short Distance
8716 Trailer and Semi Trailer Or Other Non-Mechanical Drive Vehicles and Their Parts and Accessories Trailer and Semi Trailer

January-December 2013 China Major Transportation Export Situation

Product Name Unit Volume Value(USD) Year-on-Year
Volume Value
Bus, Truck and Tractor Parts and Accessories - 5,450,061,919 25,527,855,468 8.20% 12.70%
Container Piece 2,698,546 7,884,869,233 8.90% -6.50%
Manned Vehicles, Including Racing Cars Unit 1,103,310 4,637,374,699 -1% -2.80%
Freight Motor Vehicles Unit 289,988 4,024,966,827 -12.30% -14.70%
Trailer and Semi-Trailer - 668,900,783 3,150,613,563 10.40% 8%
Bus with 10 Seats More Unit 63,089 2,142,062,541 15.70% 10.50%
Tractor Unit 166,462 1,321,032,412 11.90% -11.20%
Bus, Trucks and Tractor Body Set 100,262 162,531,814 12.90% 27.90%
Passenger Bus, Trucks and Tractor Chassis Fitted With Engines  Set 4,122 83,461,687 179.30% 99.70%
Motor Vehicles Transport Goods in Short Distance - 3,090,495 53,357,229 165.60% 41%

January-December 2013 China Container (HS: 8609) Export Enterprise Distribution

No. Region Accumulated from January to December Year-on-Year
Volume(Piece) Value(USD) Volume Value
1 Guangdong 577,970 2,001,833,424 15% -4.10%
2 Jiangsu 395,185 1,740,175,395 23.70% 13.70%
3 Shanghai 215,825 1,291,170,993 -9.20% -9.20%
4 Shandong 179,458 1,284,849,915 -20.20% -20.10%
5 Zhejiang 202,352 676,763,898 6.30% 1.50%
6 Tianjin 321,065 386,282,886 -34.80% -28.50%
7 Liaoning 735,725 320,596,576 71.50% -4.30%
8 Fujian 60,866 175,009,723 -16.70% -22.80%
9 Jiangxi 166 4,741,801 4.40% 8.10%
10 Hebei 9,438 1,232,274 29.30% 27.90%

China Transportation Industry Export Enterprises Distribution

Judging from the statistics of Jan. to Dec. 2013,Guangdong, Jiangsu and Shanghai were the main sources of container,the export value of Guangdong and Jiangsu respectively accounted for 25.39% and 22.07% of China total export value.

January-December 2013 China Tractor (HS: 8701) Export Enterprise Distribution

No. Region Accumulated from January to December Year-on-Year
Volume(Unit) Value(USD) Volume Value
1 Shandong 62,831 531,684,970 26.20% -7.80%
2 Henan 6,425 120,884,620 70% 128.30%
3 Jiangsu 34,718 103,664,248 4.30% -13%
4 Anhui 2,595 85,381,662 107.10% 80.10%
5 Beijing 2,039 79,535,239 -25.70% 1.90%
6 Shanxi 1,446 61,534,769 -32.60% -30.50%
7 Hubei 1,515 57,841,844 -71.10% -74.60%
8 Inner Mongolia  1,588 50,952,694 -21.40% -14.50%
9 Zhejiang 36,785 48,902,708 2.80% -7.20%
10 Chongqing 1,205 35,183,571 113.70% 49.50%

China Transportation Industry Export Enterprises Distribution_1

Judging from the statistics of Jan. to Dec. 2013, Shandong, Henan and Jiangsu were the main sources of tractor,the export value of Shandong accounted for 25.00 % more of the total.

January-December 2013 China Bus with 10 Seats More (HS: 8702) Export Enterprise Distribution

No. Region Accumulated from January to December Year-on-Year
Volume(Unit) Value(USD) Volume Value
1 Henan 5,411 462,043,468 5.80% -2.40%
2 Fujian 15,165 402,398,657 9.80% 9.70%
3 Jiangsu 7,978 340,840,391 6% -8.20%
4 Shandong 7,080 179,212,867 184.80% 132.50%
5 Guangdong 874 164,402,085 106.60% 144.30%
6 Anhui 3,709 129,250,390 -35.80% -33.10%
7 Liaoning 9,193 103,222,445 22.10% 28.20%
8 Shanghai 1,273 84,071,270 9.60% -10%
9 Hebei 4,655 67,397,898 98.40% 204.10%
10 Jiangxi 2,542 61,658,163 215% 125.30%

China Transportation Industry Export Enterprises Distribution_2

Judging from the statistics of Jan. to Dec. 2013,Henan, Fujian and Jiangsu were the main sources of bus with 10 seats more. In 2013, the export volume of Henan accounted for 21.57% of the total. Among the top ten bus with 10 seats more export provinces in 2013, the export values from Shandong, Guangdong, Hebei and Jiangxi increased the most, 132.5%,144.3%,204.1% and 125.3%, rapid growth.

January-December 2013 China Manned Vehicles, Including Racing Cars (HS: 8703) Export Enterprise Distribution

No. Region Accumulated from January to December Year-on-Year
Volume(Unit) Value(USD) Volume Value
1 Zhejiang 525,295 1,032,166,936 4.20% 11.80%
2 Anhui 144,658 933,363,258 -29.60% -26.90%
3 Chongqing 126,790 557,363,571 16.60% 29.90%
4 Shandong 94,557 554,863,540 29.90% 26.60%
5 Guangdong 39,828 490,474,937 -10.80% -6.30%
6 Hebei 26,284 247,009,671 -26.10% -22%
7 Shanghai 15,928 108,120,833 -7.90% -17.50%
8 Jiangsu 52,595 105,850,283 17.90% 3.90%
9 Shanxi 15,219 97,726,534 -37.70% -42.50%
10 Sichuan 8,024 91,813,726 751.80% 1733.60%

China Transportation Industry Export Enterprises Distribution_3

Judging from the statistics of Jan. to Dec. 2013, Zhejiang, Anhui and Chongqing were the main sources of manned vehicles, including racing cars. The export volume of Zhejiang and Anhui respectively accounted for 22.26% and 20.13% of the total. In 2013, the export values from Sichuan grew by 1733.6%.

January-December 2013 China Freight Motor Vehicles (HS: 8704) Export Enterprise Distribution

No. Region Accumulated from January to December Year-on-Year
Volume(Unit) Value(USD) Volume Value
1 Shandong 35,172 853,467,922 -11% -9.40%
2 Hubei 47,067 378,268,754 -9.40% -5.90%
3 Hebei 41,439 358,650,510 -26.30% -31.90%
4 Shanxi 8,184 354,186,983 -36.40% -36.40%
5 Anhui 31,116 346,162,352 4.50% 4.60%
6 Beijing 16,139 325,390,567 9.50% 11.70%
7 Jiangxi 14,731 161,524,283 -7.90% -0.20%
8 Inner Mongolia 1,781 147,579,107 -29.50% -34.10%
9 Jiangsu 7,974 143,199,743 -16.40% -11.10%
10 Henan 11,444 127,539,742 39.30% 12%

China Transportation Industry Export Enterprises Distribution_4

Judging from the statistics of Jan. to Dec. 2013, Shandong, Hubei and Hebei were the main sources of freight motor vehicles, the export value of Shandong accounted for 21.20% of the total.

January-December 2013 China Passenger Bus, Trucks and Tractor Chassis Fitted With Engines (HS: 8706) Export Enterprise Distribution

No. Region Accumulated from January to December Year-on-Year
Volume(Set) Value(USD) Volume Value
1 Jiangsu 420 18,413,748 445.50% 758.70%
2 Hebei 1,644 11,068,794 1215.20% 1186.50%
3 Shanxi 186 8,795,827 8.80% -38.60%
4 Anhui 479 8,416,316 470.20% 445.90%
5 Beijing 162 7,840,887 7.30% 149%
6 Henan 382 7,460,144 115.80% 221.60%
7 Hubei 233 5,325,344 167.80% 203.70%
8 Jilin 180 4,005,400 23.30% 36.90%
9 Guangxi 120 3,354,985 0% 0%
10 Shandong 180 3,103,759 -21.10% -31.90%

China Transportation Industry Export Enterprises Distribution_5

Judging from the statistics of Jan. to Dec. 2013, Jiangsu, Hebei and Shanxi were the main sources of passenger bus, trucks and tractor chassis fitted with engines, the export value of Jiangsu accounted for 22.06% of the total.

January-December 2013 China Bus, Trucks and Tractor Body (HS: 8707) Export Enterprise Distribution

No. Region Accumulated from January to December Year-on-Year
Volume(Set) Value(USD) Volume Value
1 Zhejiang 12,485 30,283,165 379.60% 719.90%
2 Jiangsu 31,037 29,334,922 74.50% 70.90%
3 Shandong 5,812 19,254,326 -18.30% -31.20%
4 Guangdong 10,436 11,429,657 99.10% -6.90%
5 Hubei 2,671 10,313,490 -71.90% -69.10%
6 Shanghai 1,534 10,243,351 80.90% 42.60%
7 Chongqing 17,122 9,466,663 68.70% 60.10%
8 Liaoning 7,644 7,866,243 1746.40% 1018.90%
9 Sichuan 1,375 7,108,281 4196.90% 3707.50%
10 Beijing 2,544 5,492,937 -69.40% -13%

China Transportation Industry Export Enterprises Distribution_6

Judging from the statistics of Jan. to Dec. 2013, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Shandong were the main sources of bus, trucks and tractor body, the export value of Zhejiang and Jiangsu respectively accounted for 18.63% and 18.05% of the total. In 2013, the export value of Zhejiang grew by 719.9%, got the first, meanwhile, Hubei fell by 69.1%, from the first dropped to the fifth place. Among the top ten buses, trucks and tractor export provinces, the export value of Liaoning and Sichuan respectively jumped up 1018.9% and 3707.5%

January-December 2013 China Bus, Trucks and Tractor Parts and Accessories (HS: 8708) Export Enterprise Distribution

No. Region Accumulated from January to December Year-on-Year
Volume(-) Value(USD) Volume Value
1 Zhejiang 1,135,146,937 5,278,807,550 8.50% 9.60%
2 Jiangsu 647,924,334 4,260,684,852 7.90% 7.80%
3 Shanghai 327,122,304 3,085,057,231 -1.20% 13%
4 Guangdong 427,405,298 3,021,076,494 6% 20.30%
5 Shandong 1,338,100,590 2,953,713,424 12.90% 15.50%
6 Hebei 251,543,230 1,046,689,905 -1.90% 5%
7 Tianjin 146,731,088 1,009,212,458 9.90% 14%
8 Fujian 281,837,802 839,733,556 -1.60% 6.20%
9 Beijing 125,317,101 833,342,679 21.10% 44.10%
10 Liaoning 178,448,397 489,641,292 0.70% -3.90%

China Transportation Industry Export Enterprises Distribution_7

Judging from the statistics of Jan. to Dec. 2013, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Shanghai were the main sources of bus, trucks and tractor parts and accessories, the export value of Zhejiang accounted for 20.68% of the total.

January-December 2013 China Motor Vehicles Transport Goods in Short Distance (HS: 8709) Export Enterprise Distribution

No. Region Accumulated from January to December Year-on-Year
Volume(-) Value(USD) Volume Value
1 Jiangsu 145,269 18,343,837 -42.60% 29.70%
2 Shandong 106,757 8,100,413 -20.50% 130%
3 Zhejiang 377,143 5,214,268 141.70% 8.60%
4 Shanghai 220,565 5,137,864 78.60% 45.30%
5 Tianjin 12,663 4,788,237 1109.50% 1003.80%
6 Guangdong 103,162 2,204,830 -12.30% 6%
7 Henan 112,449 1,549,128 102.30% 149.50%
8 Shanxi 1,867,871 1,525,483 1428.20% 860.20%
9 Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region 40,675 1,412,587 12.70% 230.50%
10 Hebei 11,067 1,347,572 -61.20% -65.90%

China Transportation Industry Export Enterprises Distribution_8

Judging from the statistics of Jan. to Dec. 2013, Jiangsu, Shandong and Zhejiang were the main sources of motor vehicles transport goods in short distance, the export value of Jiangsu accounted for 34.36% of the total. In 2013, the export value of Tianjin, Henan, Shanxi and Xinjiang increased the most, 1003.8%, 149.5%, 860.2% and 230.5% compared to that of 2012

January-December 2013 China Trailer and Semi Trailer (HS: 8716) Export Enterprise Distribution

No. Region Accumulated from January to December Than Last Year
Volume(-) Value(USD) Volume Value
1 Shandong 240,263,123 909,515,054 15.20% 17.80%
2 Guangdong 254,440,569 898,074,681 6.90% 3.10%
3 Zhejiang 62,693,122 438,163,170 15.70% 15.10%
4 Jiangsu 42,524,819 389,804,646 24.20% 11.60%
5 Shanghai 32,810,374 151,679,131 -5.20% -6.60%
6 Hebei 5,156,381 49,607,962 7.40% 61.80%
7 Hubei 4,792,459 49,145,747 3.70% 23.30%
8 Tianjin 1,767,752 44,085,528 48.30% 6.50%
9 Liaoning 2,339,599 43,323,498 41.40% 1.20%
10 Fujian 8,526,158 42,102,089 -20% -36.60%

China Transportation Industry Export Enterprises Distribution_9

Judging from the statistics of Jan. to Dec. 2013, Shandong, Guangdong and Zhejiang were the main sources of trailer and semi trailer, the export value of Shandong and Guangdong respectively accounted for 28.87% and 28.5% of the total.

Source: China Customs

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