Trade Resources Industry Views School of Polymers and High Performance Materials Issued a Call for Presentation

School of Polymers and High Performance Materials Issued a Call for Presentation

The School of Polymers and High Performance Materials at The University of Southern Mississippi has issued a call for papers for presentation at the 42nd Annual International Waterborne Symposium, February 9-13, 2015 in New Orleans. Papers should relate to new and emerging technologies related to materials, processes, production, characterization, application and markets in the field of surface coatings. All papers should be original and represent recent advances in coatings science and related disciplines.

Title, abstract and author’s names (speaker’s name underlined) should be submitted by mail, fax or e-mail no later than September 15 to School of Polymers and High Performance Materials,The University of Southern Mississippi,  


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Waterborne Symposium Abstract Submission Deadline September 15
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