Formerly part of Printpack Enterprises, the local management team, in conjunction with its pension trustees, completed the acquisition of the UK operations of the business in May.
It recently purchased a new 1.5m, eight-colour press – a 2.3m investment which will be installed in January, as part of its five-year plan to boost turnover from 60m to 72m in 2018.
Mike Collins, Pulse Flexible Packaging managing director, told Packaging News the company has successfully consolidated its client base since the MBO and is looking to win new contracts going forward.
“We have always been fully transparent with our customers during the MBO process, this enabled a smooth transition to Pulse Flexible Packaging and is a reflection of our solid business relationships built on trust and integrity. Our investment strategy is a commitment to our customers and part of our ongoing plan for strategic growth and innovation,” said Collins.
The company offers monoweb, duplex and triplex laminations for HFFS flow-wrap material and heat seal and cold seal, as well as microperfs, reel-fed labels, bags & pouches, rollwrap, twistrap and ‘roll-on-shrink-on’ labels.