Las Vegas Billboards in Las Vegas, Nev., recently installed ten Daktronics (Nasdaq:DAKT) digital billboards in prime locations around the city. The new LED billboards provide flexibility to both Las Vegas Billboards and their customers. "From the quality of the product to their customer service, Daktronics brings a competitive package," said Chad Harris, director of operations at Las Vegas Billboards. "We have the cleanest, sharpest displays in Las Vegas. Customers are extremely impressed with the image quality. We even had one client think the display was a static image until it changed!" Las Vegas Billboards made the decision to convert to Daktronics LED billboards after experiencing a number of equipment issues with their first digital supplier. "We were spending a lot of time replacing failing modules," said Jim Wilkins, field operations manager at Vision Sign, the company that installed some of and services all of Las Vegas Billboards' digital displays. "We had to first remove the power supply from the back of the display to get to the module. In contrast, a Daktronics module and its attached power supply can be removed in about four seconds." In addition to a more reliable product, Las Vegas Billboards looked for a company offering monitoring solutions to reduce overall service costs. "Daktronics boards are known for their quality and for built-in diagnostics. We knew we could reduce our outages and service time as well as get a better value – Daktronics was the best way for us to go," said Harris. Since the install, the Daktronics digital billboards have exceeded Las Vegas Billboards' expectations. "If all goes well, we hope to convert more of our static billboards to Daktronics digital billboards in the future," said Harris. Since entering the digital billboard business in 2001, Daktronics continues to collaborate with outdoor advertising operators, improving technology while increasing overall value through a unique blend of digital billboard services and product innovations not offered by any other display manufacturer. Daktronics' 4K series digital billboards come equipped with fail-safe controls, such as redundant data signal and the incorporation of the sealed power supply attached to each module. These features maintain the overall display image quality in the event of a module failure and ensure that the display is performing optimally at all times. Source: